first day of spring(snow).....werid day....(funny)
the funnest thing thing happened today...me and my sister are walkin home from the orthodontist right??
so b4....like whe we were leaving the house... i saw this dude in the chicken place right??
i saw him looking at me but i was like ...w.e...its not phasing me ya kno??
so anyways...
he was staring HARD BODY.
...but yea so we go...
and we come back...
and idk but there's another dude...or maybe it was the same one..
but yea so i knneew he was gonna say somethin so i was like ....ugh...tryna not pay no attention
do u just hate that???
when its made dudes and u see them coming ur way or u got to pass them by and u kno in ya gut they bout to say somethin maaad stupid...lmao
so do u know what he said!
boy:yo...u are so pretty.
me:(not paying no mind ...talkin to my sister.)
boy:yo pay attention to me
me: thank u.(smile/laughing )
boy:yo pllllllleaaaassse talk to me...
me:(not paying no mind ...talkin to my sister.)
boy:yo pay attention to me
me: thank u.(smile/laughing )
boy:yo pllllllleaaaassse talk to me...
. then my sister grabs me and pulls me (mind u this is my younger sister) and runs to the house...talkin bout did he see us ...omg im scared he was like 20!!!
(mind u ...he was like 16......)
that's a knee slapper..
Well we havent been Formally introduced. Me Llamo BrIA aka "Big ZAddY" :) ok ok just call me big Zaddy. So as you should know by now this is the OfFICiAL BlOg LipGloss and FrEnCHFrIeS. and if you DONT know... idk...but u Zirty. ok ok enough with the insults. :) well i dont know if we have a crew or clique or whatever but we are like Verizon because we are PPLS. So ya basically youll be seeing me and my besties [Gyasi, Daisy, and Bria] robbin banks and being gangSTArrS. arright scratch that robbin banks stuff but def being GangSTArrs. ;)
So ya I know you'll like the blog, its us at our craziest. sneaking you into school with us and taking you with us on like all our fave out days.
And In Case YOU DoNT Know....
yes...its so true!
we didn't roB any banKsz thiisz time. but we did do something else.......way woRse.
we snuck my camera into skewl! *gasp*
i know i know...its not like us...what were we thinking? robbing a bank would've been way more beneficial....we woulda been "so paid...I get it in til the sun rise...Doin’ 90 in a 65"...haha wooooooooo!....ok
scratch that !
but we did have so much fuDgin fun with the camera in school
betta known as {perspective heights} *in bria's voice
umm..this is ceecee(((gyasi))))..2day is march 13....TGIF...
friday the 13th..........
ok......moment over.
well 2 day ...we just brain-stormed about ideas for the video blog..
.....you know what i just thought of???
we should do a whole segment on the stupid game!
omg....im a genius.
....well anyway 2 day was gud....we acted crazi(duh a given)...
we snuck the cam in da skool-e-o
thanks to a senior whos name will not be mentioned for his own protection....(and cuz i cant spell it)..
but yea.....we shot sum stuff.....
a pretty gud day.....
a lil bit a ceecee fresh-ness.
let me just start off by saying
hola. my home-e-toes
(thats homies in splanglish)
me b gyasi...
ummm...i didnt really knoooow we had a crew....lol...so ill just play along..
(throw my imaginary gang signs up).......
scratch that....
we got to a lil school called HELL.
its prospect heights.
i mean on a school perspective its iight.
we sing.
we dance.
we steal from banks.
.....ok maybe not the first 2 but definitely the last....lmao
on a girl perspective it HORABLE.
all the studs
i like lite skin boys....puerto ricans.....mutts....like me...( i call them butter biquets)
no disrespect to all the others...they smexi cola too!
so all the fine-wine is up stairs in the upper schools.....(grrr)
i wish we could go up there and rape them....
no .....really..
..lmao nah.
hola. my home-e-toes
(thats homies in splanglish)
me b gyasi...
ummm...i didnt really knoooow we had a crew....lol...so ill just play along..
(throw my imaginary gang signs up).......
scratch that....
we got to a lil school called HELL.
its prospect heights.
i mean on a school perspective its iight.
we sing.
we dance.
we steal from banks.
.....ok maybe not the first 2 but definitely the last....lmao
on a girl perspective it HORABLE.
all the studs
i like lite skin boys....puerto ricans.....mutts....like me...( i call them butter biquets)
no disrespect to all the others...they smexi cola too!
so all the fine-wine is up stairs in the upper schools.....(grrr)
i wish we could go up there and rape them....
no .....really..
..lmao nah.
It's Here!...finally!!!!!
yOu shOuld feeL hOnoreD riGht now!
wana knOw why?...do ya!?! do ya!!?
it'sz beCause you...you sitting right there.... reading this post
you're the first to see the only and only...and new... web show
LIPGLOSS && FRENCH FRIESZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(PART ONE [1])
(PART TWO [2])
wana knOw why?...do ya!?! do ya!!?
it'sz beCause you...you sitting right there.... reading this post
you're the first to see the only and only...and new... web show
LIPGLOSS && FRENCH FRIESZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(PART ONE [1])
(PART TWO [2])
So this was supposed to be posted like 80years ago(exaggeration), but we just got around to actually doing it. we've been busy with rehearsals for upcoming plays. Ha! yea we're aspiring actresses && singers!(flaunting) sorry...i just had to! =)
okay...scratch that
i, Daisy, am part of a...group..or clique idk what you'd like to call it, but i do know we call ourselves LipGloss&&FrenchFriesz...!Yea it was Bria's idea. don't ask why i listened but...watevBut Bria's another member of this clique as is Gyasi who's actually a blogger...(so am i)
Our Blogsz:
Cheeseburgers.&.Boyz- Gyasi's
SoMeTHinG UniQuE- Mine(Daisy)
But yea...me and Gyasi are soon to be 16 year olds while Bria has already reached that part...btw shes old) don't tell her i said that!We attend school together in New York...i guess a better word would be bestiesz
On March 1st we went to the city.
First Gyasi && i went to Regal Cinemas on 42nd street to see the Jonas Brothers 3D experience! Ahhhhhhh yea we have OJD (obsessive Jonas disorder) it was so good. we were the only actual fans though. everyone else was sitting and just screaming at random times but we were dancing, waving camera lights screaming "i love you"and just being plain 'ole annoying. if you were there you would've wanted to shave our knees lol.
But then we met Bria in front of the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum. We went to Mickey D's, took loads of pictures, got lost, walked 100 blocks, touched a 300$ leather jacket (it was purple) omg! =)then it was over....lol! but we are so doing it again really soon!


okay...scratch that
i, Daisy, am part of a...group..or clique idk what you'd like to call it, but i do know we call ourselves LipGloss&&FrenchFriesz...!Yea it was Bria's idea. don't ask why i listened but...watevBut Bria's another member of this clique as is Gyasi who's actually a blogger...(so am i)
Our Blogsz:
Cheeseburgers.&.Boyz- Gyasi's
SoMeTHinG UniQuE- Mine(Daisy)
But yea...me and Gyasi are soon to be 16 year olds while Bria has already reached that part...btw shes old) don't tell her i said that!We attend school together in New York...i guess a better word would be bestiesz
On March 1st we went to the city.
First Gyasi && i went to Regal Cinemas on 42nd street to see the Jonas Brothers 3D experience! Ahhhhhhh yea we have OJD (obsessive Jonas disorder) it was so good. we were the only actual fans though. everyone else was sitting and just screaming at random times but we were dancing, waving camera lights screaming "i love you"and just being plain 'ole annoying. if you were there you would've wanted to shave our knees lol.
But then we met Bria in front of the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum. We went to Mickey D's, took loads of pictures, got lost, walked 100 blocks, touched a 300$ leather jacket (it was purple) omg! =)then it was over....lol! but we are so doing it again really soon!
bria && Gyasi && Daisy