You've heard their newest single Dont trust Meon the radio while jaming in your room or in the 
shower but you never knew who sang the song. Or maybe you did know who they were but never payed attention to their total awesomeness. Well children their name is 3oh!3 and theyre on the map. They have a special appeal that makes girls go nuts contrary to the fact that they have no type of sexy in theyre appearance besides the fact theyre totally abstract and weird can be cute. 30h!3 is a mixture of electronica, pop, rock, and hip hop. Some of the best songs by them are Starstrukk; Still Around and I'm not your boyfriend baby.3oh!3's album
want was released last year in July. Regaurdless of the date, their music is still something you'll listen to on your Pod today. <3 Bria